Visiting a waterfall for sure is a unique experience and everyone has to live it once in his lifetime. Many tourists are traveling all around the world yearly especially for visiting these mesmerizing natural wonders but choosing the largest one or the most famous one is not always the right option. So we tried to make it a little easier for you by creating this list with only five of them.
5) Sutherland Falls, New Zealand
We are starting the list with the highest waterfall in New Zealand and one of the highest in the world. Sutherland Falls that is reaching 580 meters is one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Areas and is located in Fiordland National Park in the Fiordland area of South Island, New Zealand.
Deep in the woods, this remote waterfall is giving you the sense you are dreaming with its amazing panoramic view alongside the rainfalls that are always there. The water is flowing from Lake Quill which is also located in the Fiordland National Park.

Sutherland Falls which got its name from Donald Sutherland is a tourist attraction with many thousands of tourists yearly from all around the world. Walking the Milford Track, which is considered one of the greatest walks, to the waterfall is a must if you want to live the experience to the fullest. To avoid the heavy rain and make sure you can explore all around the woods you have to choose to visit between October to April.
4) Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Zambia
In 1989 Victoria Falls claimed the UNESCO World Heritage Site title due to its geological and geomorphological features. The amazing Victoria Falls is the largest singular waterfall covering almost 1.8 km and with a height of 108 meters is for sure breathtaking.
It’s so large that you can still hear the sound of the waterfall almost 40 km away and still get sprayed on almost 50 km away.
This magnificent waterfall is located between Zambia and Zimbabwe, creating a physical border, locals are also naming it Mosi-oa-Tunya (The Smoke That Thunders). Its flow rate is also high and averages 1,090 cubic meters per second, and it includes four main channels (Devil’s Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls, and Eastern Cataract) and it ends up at Zambezi River.

Victoria Falls are welcoming over 3 million visitors per year and of course, most of them are in the summertime as you can swim on top of the falls in the Devil’s Pool on the Zambian side and living once in a lifetime experience. On the other side, Zimbabwe is offering the best panoramic views and great safari experiences.
3) Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil, South America
Almost 275 individual waterfalls alongside the 2.5 km of the Iguazu River are forming the largest waterfall system in the world, Iguazu Falls, which is located in Misiones Province in Argentina while bordering the Brazilian state of Paraná creating a physical border. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is not even close to being the tallest waterfall with only 82 meters from the ground, but for sure is the largest in range.
Because of its location, Iguazu Falls is a top destination for tourists and can be reached from both countries. While the Argentinian side can provide visitors with a closer look at the waterfalls, the Brazilian side is offering better panoramic views. The Iguazu Falls are named differently in both countries, as Argentina is naming it Puerto Iguazu and Brazil Foz de Iguazu, so don’t be mistaken when visiting you are going to the correct place.

Iguazu Falls are also really close to the Niagara Falls average flow rate as its averages 1,755 cubic meters per second making it high in this list. Around one million visitors per year are having this magical experience. This mesmerizing attraction is a must if you are visiting Argentina or Brazil and for a better experience, you have to visit during good weather so you can explore the whole forest, summer time is the best choice.
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2) Angel Falls, Venezuela
Venezuela has the highest waterfall in the world, reaching 979 meters from the ground, known as Angel Falls. Angel Falls got its name from the famous James Angel, the aviator who discovered it while flying over the Venezuelan jungle in 1933.
Its located at the UNESCO-listed Canaima National Park an isolated jungle of Venezuela and it will for sure this gigantic waterfall will take your breath away. The contrast is even more exciting as the water flows from Angel Falls through the Devil’s mountain to reach its final destination at Churún River.

Although Angel Falls is offering breathtaking views from all angles, the best view is from up the air through a helicopter as the waterfall is surrounded by the magical jungle. Angel Falls is welcoming over one million guests every year especially during the monsoon (May to August) when the Churún River is rising, allowing guests to go on a boat ride to live it to the fullest.
1) Niagara Falls, USA and Canada, North America
The most famous of all waterfalls, Niagara Falls just had to be number one. Located on the border of Ontario, Canada – New York, USA this magnificent waterfall is including a group of three smaller waterfalls, American Falls, Horseshoe Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls that are connecting Lake Erie with Lake Ontario.
Surely it’s not the tallest or the biggest waterfall in the world with only 51 meters in height but its mesmerizing beauty and the most extreme flow rate ever recorded of 1,835 cubic meters per second are something you don’t want to miss.

Boosting its prestige even higher, Niagara Falls is also included in many lists as one of the seven wonders of the world. Being on the border of Canada and the USA, Niagara Falls can be viewed from either country although the is being said that the Canadian side is offering a more extreme view.
Due to its perfect location being near a lot of big cities, with many tourists each year, Niagara Falls are averaging around 12 million visitors per year. Visiting Niagara Falls is always a good idea but we are suggesting during summertime to enjoy it to the fullest alongside a helicopter ride or a boat ride beneath the falls.